As I'm understanding it, if I'm reading in the middle of a post, I can comment before reaching the end by quoting someone. My other option is to get to the end and then use the reply button or the quick respond button.
I'm technologically enough challenged that both of those options are challenging me. : :-[

Using the 'reply' box, I can't figure out how to see the other posts like if I want to use someone's name. I know some of the posts are listed below the reply box, but not all of them appear to be listed.

Using 'quick reply' I don't get the bells and whistles--the emoticons, font size, color change, etc.
And then when I've changed my mind about posting, I'm confused about how to get back to where I was...I've been hitting the back browser button, but is there a cancel button?

Could each person's comment box have a reply button in addition to the quote button? Sometimes I might want to reply right now but not quote.
Could the reply box be a pop up box? One that you can grab and move around so you can see the person's comment that you're responding to?