Ok I just tried doing a search on the term vBulletin while in this thread. I scrolled up to the top of the page, typed vBulletin , hit search, got no results, but it kept 'vbulletin' in the search box and when i hit search AGAIN, it searched everything.

Then I came back here, typed 'search' in the search box, hit search, and it found instances of search IN THIS THREAD ONLY.

Yeah, that's annoying. The control is context specific - but that's bad design. A control shouldn't behave differently based on where you are...

Anyway, if we weren't moving to vBulletin soon, I would figure out how to fix / change that, but in vBulletin the search function works more like you'd expect, different controls for searching globally vs. searching locally, so I'm not likely to spend time on this here.

Won't be too long before the move, I promise.