Quote Originally Posted by The Evil Mr. Greebo View Post
pellmell, let me point out that this forum is now slightly less than three days old, and it was put up rather hastily in a desperate attempt to set up a temporary site for TMMO members to use while the TMMO forums were offline. No intention existed in my mind at all of making it a permanent place to post at the time I set it up, nor did I seek to make any kind of profit from it.

So I must say, having someone complain about what software was chosen, then get snarky about how much money I could raise to support satisfying said complainer rather rubs me the wrong way.

If you dislike the software so intensely, nothing requires you to use it.
I wasn't being snarky, and I don't understand how you got that impression. Go back and read my comment again. The ability to raise money to support the forum is an enviable position.

I was offering my opinion as I have been on several forums that use this software. I don't dislike it so intensely and never said that.

Consider my forum software comments withdrawn. Maybe I'm the first casualty.