Quote Originally Posted by The Evil Mr. Greebo View Post
However, the latest version of vBulletin comes with a hefty price tag. It's $250/year.

But people have been so generous, I'm seriously thinking about converting when the paypal setup is finalized.
Dude, practically everybody on this site was paying at least a quarter of that to be on that other site with the antiquated software. I really think you should be able to have the software you like -- even that is terribly inadequate compensation for what you're doing for us.

So, if my math is correct, so far you need three people paying what they were paying before to cover the month-to-month operating expenses and now four more to cover the software. Seven people out of 500. Less than 1%.

If only 1% of this user base is supporting the site, something is horribly wrong.

But you still have to weigh all that against Lex firebombing your house. Does he know where you live?