Thanks! I might have caused some confusion about the topic of my progress journal...I meant for my TMMO journey, not fitness. So I would post my starting debt, income, savings, etc and then post my plan to work the steps. I would post updates about how it's going, what is working, what isn't, etc. Maybe post my budget each month or when it changes significantly. I think it would be helpful for me as I move through the steps to look back and see how far I have traveled and I think for others who come after it could be an encouragement about their own journey. So would it be appropriate for me to put that in the Debt Elimination/Money Management forum or would threads like that make that forum too busy? On the other fitness related site I mentioned they had a sub-forum specifically for progress journals so the other areas didn't get filled up with everyone's progress journals.

**Edit. as I am thinking about it...maybe that is too much information to post in a public place. lol. I would probably need to dial that back a bit but a place to put my progress and goals and all that would still be good!