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Thread: Progress Journal - thread or blog?

  1. #1
    One step at a time Lisa7691's Avatar
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    Progress Journal - thread or blog?


    I used to belong to a fitness site that had an area for "progress journals." The intent was for individuals to post their starting stats, what their exercise & fitness goals are, their plan to achieve those goals and then to post progress as they worked their plan. I loved having that for myself and also to go and get encouraged by what others are doing. Could we do that on this site? If so, would it be ok to make it a thread or would you prefer it to be a blog. If a thread is ok, where would it be most appropriately placed?

    I am just starting out on this journey so I would really like to have something all in one place where I can document my goals, plans and how things go as I am working the plan. I really enjoy this site and I am so thankful for everyone here!


  2. #2
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    Do whichever you like, but consider the following:

    1. As far as I can tell, you get 1 (one) blog. If you think you might want to blog about a particular subject later, you might want to save your blog space for that.
    2. There is currently a lot more traffic in the forums than there is on the blogs. That may change in the future as more people begin blogging but if the comments of others are important to you on your journey, you may want to consider putting your journal where you'll get the most.
    3. There is a sub-forum titled "Fitness" which would be the perfect place for your journal if you choose to place it in the forums.

    Best of luck to you!

  3. #3
    One step at a time Lisa7691's Avatar
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    Thanks! I might have caused some confusion about the topic of my progress journal...I meant for my TMMO journey, not fitness. So I would post my starting debt, income, savings, etc and then post my plan to work the steps. I would post updates about how it's going, what is working, what isn't, etc. Maybe post my budget each month or when it changes significantly. I think it would be helpful for me as I move through the steps to look back and see how far I have traveled and I think for others who come after it could be an encouragement about their own journey. So would it be appropriate for me to put that in the Debt Elimination/Money Management forum or would threads like that make that forum too busy? On the other fitness related site I mentioned they had a sub-forum specifically for progress journals so the other areas didn't get filled up with everyone's progress journals.

    **Edit. as I am thinking about it...maybe that is too much information to post in a public place. lol. I would probably need to dial that back a bit but a place to put my progress and goals and all that would still be good!

  4. #4
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    In that case, the Debt Elimination and Money Management subforum would be the perfect place for that journal. Sorry I misunderstood your question.

    As far as this being a "public place", please know that only the Visitors Corner is visible to the public. All the other areas require registration and aren't available to the searchbots. You'll find many members posting budgets and other financial information there with wild abandon. There's no requirement you use your real name or need to post any other personally-identifying information, so you're somewhat anonymous.

  5. #5
    Another thought is to create a community group to track progress - similar to the book lovers group

  6. #6
    Moderator CousinItt's Avatar
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    You can create your own blog here, and then create categories, and just put your debt reduction journal entries into a category you create just for it.

    For example, I have a blog, and I have two categories so far, although at this time, I have only put entries into one. One category is called Recipes, and the other is DIY/Decorating.

    You could have one called Debt Snowball, and put your debt reduction related journals there, and have other categories for different things, like cooking, raising flying squirrels, or whatever.

    Edited to add: If you don't want to share your blog, then you can set the permissions so no one but you and the admin/moderators can see it. I believe that would mean every blog post would be hidden and that you can't pick and choose which are visible, though, so don't do it if you ever want other people to see it.
    Last edited by CousinItt; 09-21-2015 at 10:24 PM.
    Save $6.00 on the awesome budgeting software YNAB

    Try Plan to Eat meal planning software. You can import recipes, type in your own, grab recipes from your friends, and it will populate a shopping list for you based on the recipes you plan to use.

    Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an experience.

    You can either live in the past, or look towards the future. You cannot simultaneously do both with success.

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