Well... funny story...

We decided to reorganize our bank accounts. We had been using a local bank for our real estate, but we have 2 properties where my BIL is co-owner and one that's just ours, so we decided after Mrs. Mom died that we needed to restructure. We've set up a few accounts with Ally - one for BIL+Us, one for US, and have been transitioning the finances to those accounts, including our mortgage payments for our personal house which also came from real estate and now will come from the "Just Us" account.

Unfortunately due to timing issues, I couldn't kill the auto-draft from Wells Fargo right when I was thinking about it, cause it was in transit, so while we left some funds in the old account after moving my direct deposit to the new account, the auto-draft hit the old account. Then I forgot about it for a couple weeks (stupid, I know) and it hit the old account again.

Meanwhile we'd decided to use the OLD account as the new DFF account so we linked that to paypal.

So I'd started a withdrawal from paypal to what was there to the new DFF account, right about the same time the old bank decided we'd abandoned the account. The transfer was rejected as "account closed", and so Paypal delinked the account from the bank.

So right now our paypal account is "unverified" because it's linked to Zero banks, and we're waiting on the funds that didn't transfer to reappear in paypal (deadline is Oct 20 per Paypal). So right now we have about $900 in limbo, another $85 or so available in Paypal, and a couple small donations that we cannot accept because we're unverified (which is why I shut down contributions).

Fortunately we don't have any payments pending (and won't for another 10 months) so this is mostly a nuisance. Of course, my mortgage lender wasn't happy about two failed payments, and on top of everything else, I'd scheduled Ally to start sending payments to Wells Fargo but did not realize that Wells Fargo wouldn't take half payments from Ally UNLESS it was WF pulling the funds, so we were 2 weeks late on our primary mortgage this month.

So - I've got a NEW bank account being set up (Wells Fargo this time - we're done with this particular local bank) - and once that process is done we'll link it to paypal and start taking donations again, and hopefully paypal is true to their word and we'll get our $900 back by mid next week.
